Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Position, position, position!

Today we learned the patient, operator, and light positioning PE. We also learned the different uses of the mirror and how to hold the instruments to enable secure and effective use. It was so much fun being able to actually handle instruments and orient myself to the patient!

I am struggling the most with how to hold my instruments...but, the more I practiced today in clinic the more comfortable I became. So, there is hope! :) It was very interesting to learn about the ergonomics of dental hygiene. I did not realize how straining the practice of dental hygiene can be on your body when correct posture is not practiced. Professor Hafen told us a personal experience she had with bad postural habits and the severe effects it had on her both physically and mentally. Her story had a significant effect on me and motivated me to strive for perfect posture every single time I am practicing. I know that if I form good habits now it will pay off years down the road; allowing me to help patients for as long as I possibly can.

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