Friday, November 18, 2011

Hooray for today....real patient's on Monday! :/

It is Friday night and I am blogging about Monday morning already...I know, pure madness right? I should be enjoying my weekend - it JUST started! BUT, Austin is out of town and I am home alone and the house is quiet which gives me PLENTY of time to sit and THINK. Great, just what I need! ;) And all I can think about is REAL PATIENT MONDAY - Yikes! Last week after mach patient day I was feeling really confident and excited for real patient day. But now that it is almost here I am starting to feel the butterflies.

As the semester is almost over, I have been reflecting back on my experiences within the program so far. It is somewhat strange - for so long, being in the dental hygiene program and ultimately becoming a dental hygienist was always just a distance dream. But now it is REAL... I am actually doing this! In a year and a half I will be taking my board exams and be a RDH. It has been a long process, but it has definitely been worth it.

I know that I am nervous now and at times feel doubtful. But I know that as the year goes on and I get more experience in the clinical setting that I will continue to become more and more confident. I just have to remember that I was hand-picked to be in this program. My instructors saw something in me and were confident I could be successful. Now I just have to believe in myself and the abilities I have!

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