Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Dental Screening 101...

So... I just remembered that I never finished my post from clinic so I am doing it now. Better late than never right?! ;)

Anyways, Wednesday's clinic was really fun! We learned the importance of performing and properly executing/recording a dental screening. First, we broke up into our pod groups and we were all given a different chart. We each reviewed our charts and then explained the dental findings to the other members of our group. It was a great exercise to learn (and see) the different identifications used to chart specific dental findings. Because no two patient's are alike, we were able to see a lot of different examples to help solidify how to chart each patient we encounter.
Next, we practiced on each other... let the FUN begin! :) Kayla was my pod partner and we had a BLAST - we were both in a silly mood and were finding ways to joke about everything... literally!
Even though everyday isn't always a day where I am laughing my head off, being in the program has always been fun - since day one. It has been very rewarding working so hard to get into the program and then being able to enjoy it. It's very comforting knowing I truly LOVE this field - I feel very lucky to be able to do something I love each and every day. Sure, there are moments of frustration, fear, and much stress. But all in all...there is nowhere else I'd rather be! :)

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