Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Polish, more 'bout some fluoride?

In clinic today I had some mixed feelings. Either a cold sore or an outbreak of impetigo developed underneath my nose, which means no time in the pt. chair until it clears up (that's the sad part). BUT, we had the opportunity of learning some more skills - taking us one step closer to being ready to treat a REAL pt. (that's the happy part)!

All in all, clinic was very successful. It's been really fun learning new skills lately. I have definitely noticed a change in my approach to learning/attempting these new skills. At first, I would get really frustrated with myself if I did not understand the concept right away or if I could not perform the task perfectly within minutes of just learning it. Crazy, I know. But now, I am starting to notice how much more comfortable I am in my chair. Even though the new skills we are taught seem akward/foreign, I am a LOT more confident in myself and my ability to learn and perform the the skill efficiently. I think this has made all the difference and has helped me to grow not only as a clinician but as an individual.

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